Wednesday, October 22, 2008

First Semester... OVER!

oh yes oh yes~ first semester is finally officially amazingly OVER~
its time for some fun and relaxing momments =D

on the last day of school, which also was our last paper... physics = =" Oh well i hope i not gonna see the same lecturer next sem =P i planned to leave the hall earlier for physic paper but ended up not lifting my pen from the paper even the time's up.. aihzz =( but nevermind that! we went for our.......... First class outing at Sunway Pyramid! yeah first class outing on the last day of out first sem =D

We went to gasoline for lunch, ordered my favourite lychee milk ! wahaha ! food was awesome~ =D

Then we went to cinema, hoping to see some nice movies showing.. but ended up watch "Flight of the living dead" - some low budget movie dunnoo directed by who @@ no offence.. but just expected something more from that movie.. haha

after the movie, we ended up at popular book shop @@ aihz what to do a few smarties from our class couldnt live without books =P only at the starting of sem break, they were already thinking of BOOKS!! No wonder they are smarties @@ aihz shame of me =D

pose nicely la eric =D

one of the smarties from my class T.T

i also dunno who he trying to scare =D

LoL.. cool "peace"

the hand bhind wasn't pulling my hair

LoL ah bee looks like some doctor going to operate the chicken chop

Finally the outing has come to an end =)

a very special and meaningful day with my uni-mates =D

Monday, October 6, 2008

元若藍 - 半情歌

你將會被誰抱緊 唱什麼歌哄他開心

我想著天空什麼時候會放晴 地球不曾為誰停一停

你的明天有多快樂不是我的 我們的愛是唱一半的歌

時間把習慣換了 傷口癒合 也撤銷我再想你的資格

你的祝福 一半甜的一半苦的 像我手中冷掉的可可

最最教人殘念的總是未完成的 我只能唱著一半的歌

我的明天快不快樂都是我的 我們的愛是唱一半的歌時

間把習慣換了 傷口癒合 也撤銷我再想你的資格

你的祝福 一半甜的一半苦的 像我手中冷掉的可可

最最教人殘念的總是未完成的 另一半的歌.

A very meaningful song.. just feel like sharing =D

Saturday, October 4, 2008

W H Y ?

Why would i fall for you?
-because u came to me at the right time, and the feeling is just right =)

Why i could sacrafice so much for you ?
-because i want to see u smile

Why i choose u over my hobbies?
-because they were to be sacraficed if i wanna be with u and definitely no regrets.

Why would i care so much?
-because im just worried.

Why would i argue with u all the time?
-because i hope to see you getting better and happier.

Why cant i just forget ?
-because u are pieces of tressured memories that i most proud of.

Why i did so many things?
-because that shows how important u meant to me.

Why cant i just hate?
-because hatred couldnt solve anything, only cause me more problems.

Why i give up?
-because ur tears explained everything.

Why am i so proud of u?
-because u show me that u are getting better.

Why are there so many whys'?
-because the sky so high, i married a sakai in the month-February 05 =) "copied from Pn. Susela"
Haha, no la just some questions i often ask myself =)